31 December 2005
24 December 2005
23 December 2005
Day of Defeat: Source Update Available
Updates to Day of Defeat: Source have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
- Allied Garand is now more accurate
- Allied 30cal machine gun is now more accurate
- Made the garand sight ring larger when in iron sights.
- Moved Axis k98 rifle iron sight model away from the player slightly.
- View model no longer sways in iron sight mode
- Decreased the recoil on the Allied Garand when in iron sights.
- Fixed bug where Allied 30cal machine gun would remove stamina when firing an empty gun
- Improved weapon pickup to search in radius around crosshair
- Fixed prediction bug where players would get stuck together
- Added an end of round statistics panel to highlight the most valuable contributors to the winning team.
- Increased footstep volume
- Updated firing sounds for both Allied and Axis machine guns.
- Game now uploads a stats blob to steam on level change or shutdown. Contains info about scoring, weapon and class performance and server settings. We'll be creating a web page for the community to view these stats soon. (These are not statistics about individual players, just aggregate across the entire Day of Defeat Source community.)
- Added life id to damage record in console
- Fixed bug that would produce '0 damage in x hits' in damage record
- Added cvar "hud_takesshots" - Setting this to 1 will take a screen shot at the end of the game with the scoreboard included.
- Updated the death notice hud element
- Fixed logging error where player index was used instead of userid for cap and block messages
- Winning and losing teams can now chat during the bonus round * no longer show (dead) prefix during this period.
- Fixed bug where last character of a players name would be cut off.
- Added defense icon to death notice defense event instead of "Defended" text
- Fixed bug where you could jump while in the process of going prone
- Fixed animation bug when an assault player dropped his primary weapon and didn't have a pistol or grenades.
- Force exact file consistency on smoke grenade materials and weapon scripts
- Optimizations to lag compensation
- Added voice command variations
- Optimizations to debris physboxes
22 December 2005
Half-Life 2,
For those of you running with a 64-bit capable AMD processor, along with the Windows® 64-bit operating system, Half-Life 2 and Lost Coast are now available in native 64-bit versions. Steam will automatically detect your OS and run the appropriate version the next time you run these games.
We've been working with AMD to get the Source engine up and running in 64-bit mode to make sure we're taking advantage of these hardware configurations. This is just a first step for Valve into 64-bit. Going forward, we realize that more and more of our customers will be running with 64-bit processors and we will be set to take true advantage of them.
03 December 2005
Source Engine Update Available
Source Engine,
Source SDK,
Updates to the Source Engine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
Source Engine
- Fixed "Extra App ID set to 211, but no SteamAppId" error when launching Source SDK tools
01 December 2005
Day of Defeat: Source and Rag Doll Kung Fu Update Available
Updates to Day of Defeat: Source and Rag Doll Kung Fu have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
Day of Defeat: Source
- Added new map dod_argentan
Rag Doll Kung Fu
- Fixed not being able to play past the second level transition
22 November 2005
Day of Defeat: Source Update Available
Source SDK,
An update to Day of Defeat: Source has been released. The update will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
Day of Defeat: Source
- Updated gameinfo.txt to support the Source SDK
20 October 2005
Day of Defeat: Source and Source Engine Updates Available
Source Engine,
Updates to Day of Defeat: Source and the Source Engine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
Source Engine
- cl_predict is now treated as a cheat
- Disallow the '%' character in names and the '#' character when at the start of a name
- Removed debug cvar snd_mixvol
Day of Defeat Source
- Added defense scoring bonus. Players now get a point for blocking an area cap that is over 50%, either by killing a player required for the capture, or by entering the capture area
- Fixed an issue with players not respawning on round restart
- Changed to new arm hitbox code - uses hitbox groups to swap between hitbox sets with and without arms. This will prevent shots to the chest area from hitting the target player's arms
- Increased Thompson and MP40 melee attack rate to match knife/spade
- Fixed situation where melee attacks weren't hitting target when they should have
- Fixed accuracy on semi-auto and full-auto for bar and MP44 being swapped
- Semi automatic is now more accurate than fully automatic
- Darkened background of scoreboard to make it easier to read
- K98 iron sights no longer re-zooms after a shot
- Fixed rag doll pose when player went prone with Panzerschreck
- Reduced maximum number of players on a server to 32
- Fixed issue with bullet penetration wasn't happening correctly with displacements
- Optimization related to grenade explosions
- Network optimizations for player, player resource
- Restrict which shaders are allowed to be applied to player models.
- Fixed sniper rifle playing zoom out animation out if the player was not on the ground when they tried to zoom in ( e.g., falling off of a small ledge )
- Friendly fire is now turned off for the bonus round. Be nice to your winning teammates
- Crosshair scale setting is now saved across sessions
- Added log event for tick points
- Added log event for changeclass
- Added log event for flag caps
- Added log event for game over condition
- Added damage, hitbox, weapon info to player_hurt event
- Fixed log events for clan restart events
- Added cvar mp_logdetail ( 0 = no damage logged, 1 = enemy damage, 2 = teammate damage, 3 = both )
- Made input to voice menus all client side
04 October 2005
Source Engine and Half-Life 1: Engine Updates Available
Source Engine,
Source SDK,
Windows 98
Updates to the Source Engine and Half-Life 1: Engine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
Source Engine
- Fixed loading error when trying to debug Source MODs using the SDK
- Fixed a startup crash in Windows 98
Half-Life 1: Engine
- Fixed name exploit causing client crash
28 September 2005
Day of Defeat: Source and Source Engine Updates Available
Updates to Day of Defeat: Source and the Source Engine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
Source Engine
- Fixed some video cards being incorrectly set to DX9 when they should have been DX8. This would cause a significant performance problem for affected hardware
- Changed refresh behavior of server browser. Old behavior was generating too much traffic when list was not open
- Fixed bug where VAC would sometimes hold onto .dlls after a game had been shut down completely
- Fixed a crash which could sometimes occur immediately after launching a game
Day of Defeat: Source
- Added the default mapcycle.txt to servers running Day of Defeat: Source
- Fixed crash bug when using %s in your player name
Source Dedicated Server
- Fixed bug in dedicated server engine that incorrectly displayed their anti-cheat status (servers were showing as insecure, but were running in secure mode)
Valve Corporation today announced that Counter-Strike™: Source™ and the Half-Life® 1: Anthology are available now at retail outlets in North America.
In addition to the latest version of the world's number 1 online action game, Counter-Strike: Source also includes Half-Life 2: Deathmatch and Day of Defeat®: Source, the latest version of the popular WWII online action game from Valve. [...]
For more information, please visit: www.valvesoftware.com
26 September 2005
Day of Defeat: Source Available Now
Day of Defeat: Source is available now via Steam for just $19.95. If you have Steam installed, you can get Day of Defeat now! If you don't have Steam installed yet, click here for the Steam installer.
14 September 2005
Day of Defeat: Source Available Now for Pre-load and Pre-Purchase
High Dynamic Range,
Day of Defeat®: Source™, the latest version of Valve's popular WWII online action game, is available now for pre-load and pre-purchase. Day of Defeat: Source leverages the Source engine's advanced features such as high-dynamic range lighting, advanced graphics, and realistic physics simulation.
Anyone may pre-load the game free of charge and decide to purchase at any time. Those who pre-purchase the game before it is released will save 10%. To pre-load, pre-purchase or just find out more, please visit www.steampowered.com.
29 August 2005
Server-Parameter verändern
Source SDK,
by mofdisasta @MapScene.de
Heute befassen wir uns mal damit, wie man Commands, also Befehle, die am Server ausgeführt werden in die map integriert.
Wir wollen in diesem Tutorial einfach mal die Schwerkraft ändern, damit die Spieler lustig in der Gegend rumhüpfen können. Es ist natürlich nur ein Beispiel! Man kann natürlich alle Parameter, die man in die Serverconsole eingibt verändern. Read more ...
08 August 2005
Tutorial - Light und Sprite wie bei den Profis
Source SDK,
by ferox @MapScene.de
Heute wollen wir uns damit beschäftigen unsere Map so zu beleuchten wie es auch die Profis machen! Read more ...
03 June 2005
Source SDK Update Released
A Source SDK update is available and will be applied automatically when Steam is restarted. The changes include:
New Features to the Source SDK
- Included source code for alternative player physics - improves player interaction with physics objects in multiplayer. Look for code that references the sv_turbophysics ConVar
- Added hl2mp model animation sources under sourcesdk_content\hl2mp\modelsrc\player\player_male_anims.qc and player_female_anims.qc
- Added a sample skeleton for use with MotionMapper under sourcesdk_content\generic\modelsrc\heavy_walk.smd. This can be used with various HL2MP animations (like hl2mp\modelsrc\combine_soldier_xsi\reload_standing.smd). It is meant for use as the second parameter on the MotionMapper command line
- Added MotionMapper template files (referenced by documentation) under SourceSDK\Bin\MotionMapperTemplates
- Fixed compiling shaders with spaces in the MOD path.
- Added files for the VertexLitGeneric shader under the src\sdkshaders\advanced directory (when you install the source code)
These issues have been resolved
- Updated MotionMapper and its code to the latest version
- Fixed qc_eyes outputting a wrong filename in the QC text
08 April 2005
Source SDK Update Released
Source SDK,
A Source SDK update is available and will be applied automatically when Steam is restarted. The changes include:
Source SDK
- New hl2mp character model sample
- Fixed some cases of having to run the base game before being able to debug your mod
- Optimized bandwidth usage in mods based upon the hl2mp code base
- Implemented a fix in the lag compensation code that was occasionally preventing players from respawning correctly
- Fixed xwad running vtex incorrectly
- Fixed xwad building into the wrong target directory
10 March 2005
CS:S, Source Engine, and Source SDK Updates Available
An update is available for Counter-Strike: Source, the Source Engine, and the Source SDK. The update will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
Source SDK
- Added Snow and rain materials
- Added qc_eyes.exe
- Made various improvements and fixes to .FGD files
- Fixed an issue in Vrad which was causing visible artifacts when lighting very large objects/areas
- Fixed an issue in Studiomdl which was allowing bad $modelnames to be used
- Fixed the "cordon" texture used by Hammer
04 March 2005
Source SDK Update Released
Dedicated Server,
Source SDK,
User Interface
A Source SDK update is available and will be applied automatically when Steam is restarted. The changes include:
Source SDK
- Added new example character model
- Added new character creation documentation
- Added QC eyes tool
- Added more in-depth shader examples -- including a post-process shader
- Added Motion Mapper - a tool used to map animations across differently-proportioned skeletons
- Fixed dedicated server UI not automatically finding HL2MP MODs
24 February 2005
Day of Defeat: Source Approaching Beta
Day of Defeat: Source, Valve's World War II-themed multiplayer action game, is approaching beta and will be available early this spring via Steam. A team-based multiplayer game that cast players in the Axis vs. Allies battles of Western Europe circa 1944, Day of Defeat: Source leverages the power of the Source engine to introduce integrated physics simulation technology, all new audio, updated maps, enhanced effects and more. More information about Day of Defeat: Source will be released in the coming weeks.
20 February 2005
Tutorial - Zwei Räume verbinden
by Dr.Death @MapScene.de
Nachdem das Level nun soweit funktioniert, bietet es sich an einen zweiten Raum anzubauen. Dieser sollte von der Größe her identisch mit dem Ersten sein und neben diesen gesetzt werden.
Read more ...
Level kompilieren und starten
Source SDK,
by Dr.Death @MapScene.de
Speicher die Map in dem vorgegeben Verzeichnis mapsrc und gib als Dateinamen testmap ein. Die Speicheroption findest du im Menü File/Save As...
Um das Level nun endlich testen zu können, musst du es vorher noch kompilieren lassen. Bei diesem Rechenvorgang wird das Level auf Fehler überprüft und Dinge wie das Licht berechnet. Drück dazu F9. Belasse die Einstellungen wie sie sind und drück dann OK. Read more ...
Tutorial - Spieler Startpunkte
Source SDK,
by Dr.Death @MapScene.de
Es gibt jetzt zwar einen Raum in deinem Level, aber das Spiel muss auch wissen, das du darin gerne starten möchten. Darum wählst du jetzt wieder das Entity Tool (Linke Leiste, 4. Symbol von oben) aus und wählst im Drop-Down-Menü unten rechts statt light den Punkt info_player_deathmatch. Setz das Zielkreuz zum Erstellen in eine Ecke des Raumes knapp über den Boden und drück dann wieder Enter. Statt einem kleinen purpurnen Quadrat wie bei dem Licht erscheint nun ein etwas größeres rotes Rechteck. Read more ...
Tutorial - Beleuchtung
Pick color,
Source SDK,
by Dr.Death @MapScene.de
Im Editor schaut der Raum zwar stark beleuchtet aus, im Spiel wäre er aber stockduster. Um das zu ändern, fügst du jetzt ein Licht ein. Klick dazu in der Tool-Leiste auf der linken Seite auf das das Symbol mit der Lampe, das Vierte von Oben. Auf der Leiste rechts im Editor siehst du unten zwei Drop-Down-Menüs. Im Oberen sollte Entities stehen. Im Unteren suchst du nach dem Eintrag light und klickst dann darauf. Read more ...
Texturierung eines Raumes
by Dr.Death @MapScene.de
Stell dir unter dem Begriff Textur einfach eine Tapete vor, die du auf die Seiten deines Raumes aufträgst. Nur das dieses Vorhaben nicht langwierige Stunden Arbeit braucht sondern im Editor mit wenigen Mausklicks erfolgt. Im 3D-Fenster ist dir sicher schon aufgefallen, das dein Raum bereits eine Textur auf allen Seiten hat, diese werden wir jetzt durch eine neue ersetzen. Um Texturen auf die Wände Ihres Raums auftragen zu können, benutzt du das Texture Application Tool. Du findest das Tool in der Tool-Leiste auf der linken Seite, das sechste Symbol von oben oder einfach durch das Drücken von Shift + A. Wenn du nun mit der Maus über das 3D-Fenster gehen, siehst du einen kleinen Farbeimer am Mausicon. Read more ...
Tutorial - Der Erste Raum
by Dr.Death @MapScene.de
Der Editor ist nun gestartet und du siehst die leere Arbeitsfläche vor dir. Um eine neue Karte erstellen zu können, wähle im Reiter File den Menüpunkt New.
Als Brush werden alle festen Grundobjekte in einem Level bezeichnet, mit denen man die Grundstruktur einer Karte erstellt, in der sich der Spieler später bewegen kann. Um in den Brush-Modus zu gelangen, klick bitte in der Tool-Leiste auf der linken Seite auf das fünfte Symbol von Oben. Read more ...
Source SDK und Hammer einrichten
Source SDK,
by Dr.Death @MapScene.de
Um den Hammer Editor benutzen zu können, musst du dir zunächst das "Source SDK" von Half-Life² herunterladen. Dazu startest du wie gewohnt deine Steam Platform über das Startmenü von Windows Programme/Valve/Steam/Steam. Nachdem Steam gestartet ist, und eventuelle Updates durchgeführt hat, öffnest du das Spiele spielen Fenster. Dort Rechtsklickst du dann unten in der Auswahl auf Source SDK und wählst die Option Spiel installieren. Im folgenden Fenster klickst du auf Herunterladen und Installieren und folgst den weiteren Bildschirmanweisungen. Read more ...
Source SDK,
by Dr.Death @MapScene.de
Das besondere an Half-Life² ist die tolle Physikengine und die Gravity-Gun im Multiplayer. Damit du nun auch etwas in deinem Level hast, was Sie ihren Mitspielern an den Kopf werfen kannst, fügst du zwei Fässer in dein Level ein. Read more ...
Waffen und Items
Source SDK,
by Dr.Death @MapScene.de
Ok, wenn du ein Deathmatch-Level machen willst, brauchen wir auch ein paar Waffen.
Alle Waffen sowie Munition und andere Items sind "Entities" und können über das Entity-Tool erstellt werden. Read more ...
Source SDK,
by Dr.Death @MapScene.de
Im Spiel wird nun aus dieser einfachen Textur zwar ein Himmel, jedoch wird er kein "Umgebungslicht" abstrahlen. Dazu brauchst du ein Entity names »light_enviroment«, welches du über das Entity-Tool erstellen kannst. Read more ...
Gruppieren und Selektieren
Source SDK,
by Dr.Death @MapScene.de
Jedes markierte Objekt wird im Editor durch einen roten Rahmen in den Gitterfenstern und einem roten Schleier im 3D-Fenster dargestellt. Read more ...
Arbeiten im 3D-Fenster
Source SDK,
by Dr.Death @MapScene.de
Von den vier Hauptfenstern im Editor befindet sich das 3D-Fenster normalerweise oben links und trägt den Titel camera. Die einfachste Art der Navigation im 3D-Fenster ist die Mausnavigation, wie im Spiel auch. Read more ....
19 February 2005
Tutorial - Wie mache ich Türen
Source SDK,
Tie to Entity,
by The^Kitty2k @MapScene.de
Es gibt zwei verschiedene Arten von Türen (die ich benutze), die ich euch heute vorstellen möchte. Einmal eine normale Tür und eine Schiebetür. Read more ...
Tutorial - Kabel oder Seile
by The^Kitty2k @MapScene.de
Damit wir ein Seil machen können brauchen wir zwei Entity
einmal das move_rope-Entity (Anfang) und dann keyframe_rope-Entity (Ende)
Als ersten setzen wir das move_rope-Entity mit dem Entity-Tool (Shift+E)
und setzen es dahin wo das Seil beginnen soll! Read more ...
17 February 2005
HL-2:DM, SDK, Source Engine Updates Available
Source Engine,
Source SDK
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Source SDK, and Source Engine updates are available and will be applied automatically when Steam is restarted. The changes include:
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
- Added SLAM, Stunstick and Crowbar
- Added dm_steamlab
- Fixed game_score entity not awarding points
- Added team specific spawn points ( info_player_combine, info_player_rebel)
- Optimized weapon firing effects bandwidth usage
Source SDK
- Added source code for Half-Life 2 multiplayer (Run the 'Create a Mod' link)
- Added ability to create new shaders. See Authoring Shaders In Source for documentation
- Added new tool and source code of DemoTool.exe -- which shows the high-level structure of .dem files
- Added source code for Source Model Viewer included (src\utils\hlmviewer)
- Added source for Half-Life 2's Airboat model
- Fixed issues with Steam account names with ".."
- Fixed FacePoser flex sliders
- Hammer limits framerate in 3D views to 300fps -- eliminates overheating problems
Source Engine
- Fixed screenshots/save games being saved in the wrong place
- Fixed hang in rcon server
- Fixed server crash where banned players could retry/cancel quickly during connection
- Fixed crash when a user specifies a heapsize that is too large
- Fixed "play" command crashing on dedicated servers
- Fixed bspzip'd assets in maps not loading properly
- Added FCVAR_CHEAT to r_shadowids
- HLTV port/server can be completely disabled by command line parameter "-nohltv"
19 January 2005
Source SDK Update Released
A Source SDK update is available and will be applied automatically when Steam is restarted. The changes include:
Source SDK
- Added XSI addon for importing and exporting SMDs
- Added simple SDK bot sample code for adding bots to your mod
- Added source files for six Half-Life 2 single player maps
- Added interface plugin to add bots to mods
- Fixed resource leak in the SDK launcher and vconfig utiity
- Added bspzip tool -- allows you to compile custom content directly into a .bsp
10 January 2005
Tutorial - Staubteilchen (func_dustmotes)
Source SDK,
by phil2k @MapScene.de
Den Staub welchen du in den Counterstrike:source Levels de_dust oder de_dust2 in den Tunnels siehst kannst du ganz einfach erstellen. Read more ...
07 January 2005
Steam, Source Engine, HLDS Update Released
Dedicated Server,
Source Engine,
Source SDK,
Steam, Source Engine, and Half-Life Dedicated Server updates are available and will be applied automatically when Steam is restarted. The changes include:
- Pressing the cancel button while Steam is loading will bring up the offline dialog
- Fixed 100% CPU use on startup
- Fixed use of quoted parameters in "-applaunch" command lines
Source Engine
- Fixed exception info spam in debugger output window for SDK users
Half-Life Dedicated Server
- Enabled support for new query protocol (fixes HLTV server not appearing in the server browser)
Update - Fixed command line parameters being ignored when using desktop shortcuts for some games
02 January 2005
Statische Live-Camera
Source SDK,
by Muellcraft @MapScene.de
Eine geile Sache an der Source-Engine ist unumstreitbar die Live-Cam. Mit diesem Enity ist es möglich, auf einer Textur ein Tatsächlich vorhandenes Bild darzustellen. Somit ist endlich Schluss mit den vorgefertigten (mit animated Gifs vergleichbaren) in Reihe geschalteten Bildern. Jedoch müssen auch einige negative Punkte veranschaulicht werden: So ist es im Singelplayer nicht möglich, das eigene Player-Model zu sehen, weil Gordon ganz einfach kein Model hat und vermutlich auch nur Ploygone verschwenden würde. Eine viel gewichtigere Sache ist jedoch die Tatsache, dass man in einem Level nur ein Camera-Enity auf einmal aktivieren kann. Wenn nun aber jedoch die eine Camera deaktiviert wird und dafür ein andere aktiviert wird, ist es möglich. Also ist durchschalten kein Problem. Aber gerade für Multiplayermaps dürfte das einige Probleme verursachen. Man denke nur an cs_assault: Sechs verschiedene Kameras, drei für CTs und drei für Ts. Undenkbar, so etwas mit Live-Cams hinzukriegen. Denn selbst, wenn die Terrors durchschalten könnten, könnten die Counters unmöglich andere Ansichten durchschalten. Also ein Ungleichgewicht. Für taktische Elemente ist die Live-Cam also nur bedingt anwendbar.
Aber genug von meinen Ausführungen und nun endlich zum Einrichten der Live-Cam, was kein großartiges Hexenwerk ist. In diesem Tutorial werde ich jedoch nur das Einrichten einer statischen Camera erklären, also eine Camera, die starr auf immer den selben Punkt zeigt. Bewegungen und dergleichen sind aber ebenfalls möglich. Read more ...
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